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Reads a gamma ray spectrum file.


read(file, ...)

# S4 method for class 'character'
read(file, extensions = c("cnf", "tka", "spe"), ...)



A character string giving the path of files to be imported.


Extra parameters to be passed to rxylib::read_xyData().


A character vector specifying the possible file extensions. It must be one or more of "cnf", "tka", "spe".


A GammaSpectra object if more than one spectrum are imported at once, else a GammaSpectrum object.


Supports Canberra CNF and TKA and Kromek SPE files.

See also


N. Frerebeau


## Import a Canberra CNF file
cnf_file <- system.file("extdata/LaBr.CNF", package = "gamma")
(cnf_spc <- read(cnf_file))
#> Gamma spectrum:
#> *  name: LaBr
#> *  date: 2019-02-07 11:48:18
#> *  live_time: 3385.54
#> *  real_time: 3403.67
#> *  channels: 1024
#> *  energy_min: -7
#> *  energy_max: 3124.91

## Import a TKA file
tka_file <- system.file("extdata/LaBr.TKA", package = "gamma")
(tka_spc <- read(tka_file))
#> Gamma spectrum:
#> *  name: LaBr
#> *  date: 2024-09-24 08:29:34.974843
#> *  live_time: 3385.54
#> *  real_time: 3403.67
#> *  channels: 1024
#> *  energy_min: NA
#> *  energy_max: NA

## Import all files in a given directory
spc_dir <- system.file("extdata/BDX_LaBr_1/calibration", package = "gamma")
(spc <- read(spc_dir))
#> A collection of 7 gamma spectra: BRIQUE, C341, C347, GOU, LMP, MAZ, PEP